Copying a Project
Projects can be copied for a number of different reasons including creating an archive of that project at a point in time or creating a sandbox of the project to test ideas in. Copying a project is done through the Project List. Select one or more projects by ticking the checkbox beside the project name and select Copy Selected, as shown below:
Click image to expand or minimize.
This will open a prompt where the user must select the folder to copy the project to. Click on the folder the project should be saved to. This will create an identical project which is given a numeric suffix which, from 2.14 onwards will ensure it is unique across the entire environment. This can be renamed from within the project. This will ensure that when interacting with other software (Enersight Link, Val Nav or Execute) the right project is always subsequently chosen as duplicates will no longer be able to be created. Copied projects are not tied to the originating project at all, so changes made in one project will not affect the other.